Cor van Rijn (1929-2018)

28th of January – 10th of March, 2023 at Café Bern

From the early 50’s to the early 90’s, Cor van Rijn was in numerous roles, played in as many as 40 films and was featured in many TV roles. But for Café Bern he was mainly ‘our upstairs neighbor Cor’. Indeed, when Café Bern first opened its doors more than 44 years ago, in August 1978, Cor had already been living there for 15 years. He has been living there for the rest of his life with his beloved wife Joyce.

Cor was much more than just an actor. He painted, wrote poems and made graphics. Café Bern owns some of his work and proudly exhibits a selection from 28 January to 10 March 2023.



Cor van Rijn (1929-2018)

Exhibited at Café Bern
from January 28 to March 10, 2023


Cor & Joyce van Rijn

Exhibited at Café Bern
from January 28 to March 10, 2023


Cor van Rijn (1929-2018)

Exhibited at Café Bern
from January 28 to March 10, 2023


Cor van Rijn (1929-2018)

Exhibited at Café Bern
from January 28 to March 10, 2023


Cor van Rijn (1929-2018)

Exhibited at Café Bern
from January 28 to March 10, 2023

Cor van Rijn

(1929 – 2018)

actor, painter, poet


Cor van Rijn was not only a gifted actor, he also started painting in the eighties, just like his wife. This led to an exhibition in Café Bern. The opening became a legendary evening, with numerous actors, directors and other artists.

His work was very well received at that time but it remained with that one exhibition. Cor preferred to keep himself to himself. Preferably he led a retired life with his Joyce: painting together, reading scores, writing poems and playing piano.


We can call Cor “the pioneer of Café Bern”. As a former neighbor, he was one of our few permanent clients in the first years and through him, as an art brother ‘pur sang’, Café Bern gradually came into contact with his colorful circle of friends. That was one of the foundations of our cafe!

To commemorate Cor in a dignified manner, we organize this exhibition in Café Bern. Some of his work will be exhibited here.

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At the opening of Cor’s first exhibition
at Café Bern, 1988

©2023 by Café Bern