Eddie de Jong: ‘Dutch-Japanese character dictionary‘

August 27 – October 7, 2022 in Café Bern

In anticipation of the forthcoming appearance of his Dutch-Japanese character dictionary, Eddie de Jong (Amsterdam, 1950) will exhibit a selection from the artwork in Café Bern from the 27th of August to the 7th of October 2022, such as examples from the Japanese print, film and other arts, drawings and paintings by De Jong and fellow comic artists plus other works, to illustrate the approximately 3.000 ‘kanji’ (Chinese Japanese characters).


Japanese waves

Eddie de Jong

Mixed media
5 x 9 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from August 27 until October 7, 2022

Proof page

Eddie de Jong

Proof page
30 x 21 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from August 27 until October 7, 2022

Heinz strip

Eddie de Jong

15 x 21 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from August 27 until October 7, 2022

Cover design

Eddie de Jong

30 x 21 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from August 27 until October 7, 2022


Eddie de Jong

Ink on paper
4 x 4 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from August 27 until October 7, 2022

Surfing Heinz

Eddie de Jong

Mixed media
15 x 15 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern
from August 27 until October 7, 2022

Eddie de Jong

Amsterdam, 1950

A life dedicated to drawing: that draws the picture of Eddie de Jong. His years at the Vondel Gymnasium (now the Barlaeus) formed the beginning of a long-standing collaboration with René Windig. Together they made furor with the daily comic Heinz, which appeared in many newspapers like the Parool from 1987 to 2007.

Before then, they had written stories for the Donald Duck (1974-1975) and stories like Dick Bosch, Oom Wim et al for various magazines (1979-1985), including the Balloen.

In the autumn of his life Eddie de Jong started a Kanji study in 2012: the study of Chinese/Japanese characters. The soon to be published ‘Nederlands-Japanese character dictionary’ will be the tangible result of this study. Needless to say, that book will feature many drawings and paintings by Eddie’s hand as well as by other artists.

Eddie de Jong lives alternately in Amsterdam and with his wife in the USA, where he has done most of his Kanji study.

The illustration material shown is not (yet) for sale, as it is still needed in the production of the book. Eddie de Jong will be more than happy to make a dragon painting (acrylic, A4). More information about this in Café Bern.

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