Dinne van der Vlis

February 20 – April 22, 2016 at Café Bern

Dinne van der Vlis (1955), when referring to her paintings: “I stand in front of the canvas and I just start. The world around me disappears. I am travelling in a universe with unlimited possibilities. Afterwards I’m tired of the impressions I gained. The image I created is a reflection of the journey I made.

Until early April 2016 a nice selection of her work is exhibited. Below you can already have a preview of some of the works exhibited at Café Bern.

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Dinne van der Vlis

Acrylic on canvas – 90 x 200 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern,
February 20 – April 22, 2016

Headfull 2

Dinne van der Vlis

Acrylic on paper – 2 x 67 cm x 96 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern,
February 20 – April 22, 2016

Headfull 3

Dinne van der Vlis

Acrylic on paper – 2 x 67 cm x 96 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern,
February 20 – April 22, 2016

Headfull 4

Dinne van der Vlis

Acrylic on paper – 67 x 96 cm

Exhibited at Café Bern,
February 20 – April 22, 2016

Everything within reach: Dinne van der Vlis

Dinne van der Vlis paints from movement and intuiton, according to the method ‘The Timesless Hour’, developped by Dutch artist and painter Michiel Czn Dhont..

Michiel: “The work radiates movement and color and an earthy character. It fills space with pure life energy.” 

She takes pictures of details of her work, resulting in new images when printed. Originally her profession is film making. Besides that and besides the paintings and the prints, photography and poetry are her latest ways of expressing herself.

To her, art is a journey through the endless universe in which she exists and also through the endless universe inside herself.

In 2014 she got rid of most of her material belongings and left her houseboat, to be able to move more freely. There is lots of new space and she feels excited about, and curious for the things that are about to happen now….

More about Dinne van der Vlis

At the opening of the exhibition,
on the 20th of February 2016.

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