Liesbeth Kaemingk
January 21 – March 4, 2017 at Café Bern
Liesbeth Kaemingk’s work includes oil paitings, drawings and “relics”.
In this exhibition she shows recent work, mainly from 2016, which she considers to be more compemplative than her previous work.
Below you can have a preview of some of the works exhibited at Café Bern.
Liesbeth Kaemingk
oil paintings, drawings and “relics”

The paintings showing human creatures are no portraits but depict a potential reality.
The drawings are made on treated paper and on existing images, in mixed media (ink and paint)
The creation is a quest, generating something new in the course of the creative process. All options are open. Drawings can result in paintings
The relics: three dimensional work, framed in a case.
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