October 26 – December 27, 2024 in Café Bern

Mohbra (Algiers,1956) is a multi talented artist. He creates pictures, sculptures and wonderful fabric collages. He has exhibited in Café Bern before, in 2016, and because we are so impressed with his work, we are happy that he has agreed to exhibit with us again.
Until the 27th of December, 2024 a lovely selection of his work is being exhibited at Café Bern.
Please feel free to drop by. From 4:00-6:00 p.m. you can come and see the exhibition at your ease. Or late at night, after 11:00 p.m., when the rather busy dinner time has finished and a lovely relaxed “after hours” atmosphere has descended on Café Bern.
Below you can already have a preview of some of the works exhibited at Café Bern.
The world of Mohamed Brahimi
Meet the world of Mohamed Brahimi, Mohbra.
A beautiful documentary (in Dutch) of about 24 minutes, an episode from the series “Hakim meets”, thanks to RTVNH.

©2024 Café Bern